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CASE IH Tractors History
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Case IH Tractor assembled its first mechanical thresher.
Later, in 1842, inventor Jerome Case founded Case in Racine for the production of McCormick threshers.
Up to the 1900s, the company gained worldwide recognition as a manufacturer who first started using steam engines in agriculture and later became the largest producer of steam engines and threshers.
Case 845 Xl Operating Manual Download
1903-1910 The company began to grow and offices in other countries appeared. Including equipment Case came to Imperial Russia.
In 1863, Jerome Case creates a new company J.I. Case & Company. He partners with three partners: Messena Ersklin, Robert Baker and Stephen Bull. In the future, these four people become known as the “Big Four”.
In 1985, the US Law Department authorized CASE to acquire International Harvester. The new company CASE IH is becoming the second largest producer of agricultural equipment in North America.
Case Ih 845 Xl Service Manual
In 1963, Case already has 125 dealers in the UK, France, South Africa and Australia and 15 licenses for sale in other countries.
In 1999, CASE IH merged with the Italian concern FIAT Group as part of the new company CNH (Case IH and New Holland).
Today, production and service enterprises of the CASE IH concern are located in many countries of the world. The company’s dealer network is constantly growing and developing. Case IH represents a wide range of agricultural machines, tractors, grain and forage harvesters, sprayers and tillage machines with the most advanced technologies using electronic diagnostics of the workflow and the