In CINEMA 4D R19 the Polygon Reduction workflow has been completely re-worked from the ground up.
Polygon reduction has gone through a significant overhaul in CINEMA 4D R19. The workflow has changed from a deformer based workflow to a generator based work.
Cinema 4D comes fully-loaded with an extensive library of preset objects, materials and scenes that make it easy to get started with your 3D project. Use this outstanding resource to quickly develop concepts without spending time modeling (or wasting money buying models), or dissect complete scenes created by top C4D artists to develop your own. Spotted this thread and I had an 11K poly model I needed to reduce to around 4K. C4D's poly reduction deformer has sucked since version 7.2 and kills the UV's even if you lock them. So I checked at ZBrush and they finally released Decimation Master for OS X. Let me say.that sucker works a charm. Spotted this thread and I had an 11K poly model I needed to reduce to around 4K. C4D's poly reduction deformer has sucked since version 7.2 and kills the UV's even if you lock them. So I checked at ZBrush and they finally released Decimation Master for OS X. Let me say.that sucker works a charm. Mar 07, 2014 The immediate use for the polygon reduction tool is often creating the popular low poly art look. A more functional use would include decimating a mesh for manageability. Scanned datasets have a highly dense mesh, and with the polygon reduction tool in C4D, you can bring down the number of faces to a more manageable number.
Polygon reduction has gone through a significant overhaul in CINEMA 4D R19. The workflow has changed from a deformer based workflow to a generator based workflow, while expanding on the functionality, giving you much better control over the resulting polygon count as well as the overall quality. Under the hood the reduction is cached, making it easier to try different levels of reduction with ease.
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In Cinema 4D Release 19, polygon reduction has gone through a majoroverhaul, moving polygon reduction to a generator instead of a deformerlike in previous versions.When an object is placed under the generator, it will go through apre-processing phase where the geometry you wish to reduce is created.This can take several moments depending on the number of polygons in your originalobject. Once the pre-processing is finished, you can start adjusting thepolygon count. This can be done either through the reduction strengthslider or by manually setting a value in one of the three Edit fields.As you adjust these values, the reduction will happen fairly quickly, as thegenerator's accessing the cache that was created earlier.Now the one big thing that becomes obvious fairly quickly, isthat the UV's of the object being reduced are now being maintained.UV's aren't the only thing that are going to be maintained. The generator also doesits best to maintain vertex maps, and upon converting a polygon reductionobject, the selections that have been created as well. There are also a fewadditional options inside of the attributes for this generator and itshould be warned that changing any of these will cause the cache to be rebuilt,as they change the way that the reduction will be performed.The first option is to preserve 3D boundaries.3D boundaries represent the open edges of a model. When Preserve 3D Boundaries isactive, the open edges of the model will be preserved as best aspossible based on the boundary reduction angle. A smaller value will result inbetter preservation of these edges, while a larger value will result in morereduction. If Preserve 3D Boundaries is deactivated, the boundaries of the objectwill no longer be maintained. This can allow for greaterreduction of your object.The next option is to preserve the UV boundaries.UV boundaries represent the seams in the UV map that is created for yourobject. When the option is turned off, you can see that the reduction can befairly uniform, but when looking at a model that has the Preserve UV Boundariesturned on, you can see that the seam where different UV islands are created is fullymaintained. The results of the Preserve UV Boundaries can also be seen by lookingat the UV maps created after converting the polygon reduction generator.The 'Reduce all generator children as one object' checkbox changesthe way that the reduction strength functions. By default, this option isturned off. This means that each object that is a child of the polygon reductiongenerator is going to be reduced by the full reduction strength.This means that objects like the antler, which have a lower subdivision level tobegin with, can be reduced more. When this checkbox is enabled, all of the objects inthe generator are going to be considered as one object. This checkbox is handy touse when you have objects with different polygon densities,as objects that start with lower polygon counts will be reduced less, makingfor a more even distribution of polygons across the reduced object.So, with Cinema 4D R19, polygon reduction has been elevated to awhole new level while maintaining your textures, selections and vertex maps.Be sure to check out the other videos on to find out more about theother great features in Cinema 4D Release 19.
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Poly Reduction Tool C4d Models Model