Piecing Me Together Summary

Piecing Me Together is such an important and moving book. It released during Black History Month, and was perhaps overshadowed by the buzz surrounding the amazing The Hate U Give that followed up a month later. Both books look at what it means to be a black teen in modern America, but. Piecing Me Together is a novel about life as a young African-American in modern-day America. Set in Portland, Oregon, the main character is Jade Butler who attends St. Francis High School on the other side of town, away from her friends and family in predominantly poor, black Northside. Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson: Piecing Me Together. Realistic Fiction. This Side of Home What Momma Left Me. Book Summary: Jade goes to St. Francis, a private school across town, while most of her neighborhood friends go to the local public school. There are a lot of good things about her school, but she has mixed feelings.

Piecing Me Together

The title of the book, Piecing Me Together, is a symbol of how the main character, Jade, is struggling to find out who she really is and how she fits into the world. The title is taken from a poem that includes the line, “piecing me back together.” In that poem, the writer is trying to overcome tragedy to piece herself “back” together. It is significant that Jade is simply trying to piece herself together for the first time and does not see herself as broken.

Jade's Art

Renee Watson Piecing Me Together Summary


Jade likes making collages, and she is talented. The art symbolizes her ability to take something ordinary and make it into something extraordinary such as her dreams for the future.

Piecing Me Together Chapter Summary

Woman to Woman

Piecing Me Together Pdf

Woman to Woman is a program that places successful adult women as mentors with at-risk youth. Jade's placement in Woman to Woman symbolizes...

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